VesselReport – the new Daily Report!

VesselReport – the new Daily Report!

How much time have you been spending in improving data quality when it comes to Fuel EU, MRV and IMO DCS? Are you happy with what you achieve every day? If you … we should talk. We are doing something new – especially for you, guys! Our goal: We guide shipping companies to 100% data quality and future compliance for Fuel EU, MRV, IMO/DCS and CII. We are looking for emission managers and data quality experts in shipping who would like to do better in future. Checkout and learn more. We will start soon!

Let’s meet at the Posidonia 2024 in Athens (3-7 June 2024)

Let’s meet at the Posidonia 2024 in Athens (3-7 June 2024)

Still unhappy with your data quality for EU ETS? We can solve this now. Let’s meet at the Posidonia 2024 in Athens and exchange experiences! The data keyed in by the crew on board every day are not perfect, still. Typos, crew changes, misunderstandings, defect sensors, sometimes laziness – there are many reasons why the data quality of ship-shore reporting is causing many working hours and some headache in the shipping company. Not each vessel is equipped with well-calibrated and maintained fuel meter, and even if so, you have to control the reported data on a daily basis. Next, you…

Save the date: Breakbulk Europe 21-23 May 2024 in Rotterdam is coming…

Save the date: Breakbulk Europe 21-23 May 2024 in Rotterdam is coming…

We are very happy to be part of the Breakbulk Europe fair again! Hall 2, same place, just drop by for a coffee! BreakBulk Europe is belonging to the largest events in the world for our industry and attracts ocean carriers, forwarders, ports/terminals, heavy haulers, equipment companies and more. The networking for new business is exceptional. So – what we are showing? Off course, we will present our Voyage Management Solution CharterWorks. This tool addresses the needs of small and medium size commercial operators who don’t have the resources for introducing comprehensive software suites but need a modern, easy to…

Herberg Systems and Kpler sign sales partnership

Herberg Systems and Kpler sign sales partnership

Herberg Systems and Marine Traffic/ Kpler are pleased to announce they have entered into a sales partnership, combining Herberg’s long-lasting experience in developing and selling software products to the Northern European shipping market with Kpler’s powerful software suite Marine Traffic Inbox. Herberg Systems is a German software manufacturer located in Hamburg and digitization specialist for the maritime industry. Kpler is setting the standard in data and analytics for global trade and offers data services and software products. “Marine Traffic Inbox from Kpler is the ideal extension for our product portfolio, especially for our Voyage Management System CharterWorks”, explains Jan Herberg,…

Innovative Algorithmen in der Schifffahrt und Logistik – Wie automatisierte Texterkennung oder Quantencomputing operative Prozesse verändern werden

Innovative Algorithmen in der Schifffahrt und Logistik – Wie automatisierte Texterkennung oder Quantencomputing operative Prozesse verändern werden

Datum: Dienstag, 23. April 2024 von 09:00 bis 11:00 UhrOrt: Business Club Hamburg, Elbchaussee 43, 22765 Hamburg Heutzutage gibt es unzählige innovative Technologien, um Prozesse zu digitalisieren, zu automatisieren und zu optimieren. Doch wie genau kann ein Unternehmen von diesen Entwicklungen profitieren und gleichzeitig aktuellen Trends wie Personalmangel und steigenden Energiekosten entgegenwirken? Jan Herberg von Herberg Systems und Kilian Foth von Lang.Tec zeigen anhand des Erfahrungsberichts eines Schifffahrtsunternehmen wie Sie von diesen Entwicklungen profitieren und gleichzeitig aktuellen Trends wie Personalmangel und steigenden Energiekosten entgegenwirken können. Die beiden Unternehmen stellen eine Lösung für die Nutzung von Algorithmen vor, um den Inhalt…

EU ETS Three Months In: Lessons Learned – Webinar

EU ETS Three Months In: Lessons Learned – Webinar

Webinar on Thursday, 14 March 15:00 – 16:00 CET First-hand experience from the first three months into maritime ETS. Join our webinar. Since January 2024, shipowners must surrender EU allowances for every ton of MRV-verified CO2 emissions to adhere to the EU ETS. This has far-reaching implications for shipping companies, demanding a keen understanding and efficient management of the system to ensure compliance. Join us for an insightful webinar where we explore the practical lessons learned in the first three months since the implementation of the EU ETS for the maritime sector. Featuring expert insights from Fleettracker, Swiss Climate, and…

See you at the World Maritime Forum 27-28 February 2024 in Copenhagen?

See you at the World Maritime Forum 27-28 February 2024 in Copenhagen?

It looks like this will be an exciting event. Over 500 participants, 50 exhibitors, 45 lectures. Everything about shipping. Of course, it’s about current topics such as CO2, new fuels, digitization and innovations. An industry in transition. Together with the company Swiss Climate we are taking part as an exhibitor and are very pleased that we can answer questions at our booth and give you insights into our services. And off course, it is a great opportunity just to meet and talk. What are we exhibiting? Of course Fleettracker for CO2 reporting, data quality assurance, ETS statements and, together with…

What would you do with 3.15 billion euros per year?

What would you do with 3.15 billion euros per year?

In shipping, ships calling at European ports will have to offset 40% of their CO2 emissions from 2024. There is a lot of money in there that is used to invest in the development of green technologies. Here’s a rough estimate: We have around 700,000 port calls in European ports every year (Statista). Let’s assume that 50% came from or went to outside Europe and that these ships sailed from abroad for an average of 5 days before calling at a European port. And let’s guess that the average consumption is about 15 tons of bunkers per day. Annual fuel…